From concept to final form...

Dandelion Seed...

First Drawings and Porportional studies...

Dandelion seed is a symbol of life. Its flying and hovering own nature shows fragility and simpleness in life's propagation.

Dandelion Seed...
Concept Stage
Dandelion seed is a symbol of life. Its flying and hovering own nature shows fragility and simpleness in life's propagation.

Equilibrium and final form were anticipated by 30cm wood models

First suspension attempts used high performance fishing lines...

Later, MIDI interface was attached to the other boards expanding dandelion´s expressive possibilities to live performance.

Equilibrium and final form were anticipated by 30cm wood models
Prototype Stage
Early Dandelion prototypes have been developed to solve three main issues:
> Form
> Balance and Hovering methods
> Electronics and electromechanics

Dandelion generative music is inspired on bacterial exponential growth.

a closed 12 semitone system represents 12 potential living bacteria.

Different intervalic or spacial relationships can be triggered from a central matrix to build different growing patterns and consequent intervalic sound textures.

Dandelion generative music is inspired on bacterial exponential growth.
Dandelion automatic sound generation is controlled by a generative algorithm developed in MAX/MSP software. Its logic is inspired on bacterial exponential growth.

A solid iron cast central piece was build. This is the heart of Dandelion.

It´s development took into account the integration of a solid, reliable and small solenoid based percussion mechanism.

As a solution, an inner skeleton structure of cubic tubes were made.

A solid iron cast central piece was build. This is the heart of Dandelion.
Final sound sculpture development
The final object has been developed with the collaboration of Hugo Dominguez.
Main issues to solve were:
> Central Joint
> Mechanical Transmission
> Lever Issues

Oliverio Duhalde

Getting ready for first hanging test...

Dandelion final assembling.

Oliverio Duhalde
Dandelion Assembling
Assembling at Espacio Fundación Telefónica.

DANDELION - Oliverio Duhalde

DANDELION - Oliverio Duhalde

DANDELION - Oliverio Duhalde

DANDELION - Oliverio Duhalde
Expostition at Espacio Fundacion Telefónica (2013)